Command Line Linux on a Weekend

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Command Line Linux on a Weekend, Linux Basic System Administration.

This course is for someone who needs basic training in Linux, someone who is already in IT and wants to add a new skill.  It is specifically designed for those who have been really busy with their work and don’t have enough time.  Now you don’t have to stay awake at night during the week day or sneak out of your lunch break.  You will learn so many Linux commands in just 2 days.  Sounds un-real?  Well take a look at my syllabus and you see what I will be covering and then ask yourself if it is worth spending a couple of hours for only 2 days:

Saturday – Basic Linux 

  • Understanding of Linux?
  • What is Oracle Virtual Box?
  • Oracle Virtual Box Installation
  • Creating virtual machine
  • Linux Distributions
  • Linux Installation
  • Download and install Putty
  • Connect Linux VM via Putty
  • Changing Password
  • Introduction to File System
  • File system structure description
  • File system navigation commands
  • Directory listing overview
  • Creating Files and Directories
  • File Permissions (chmod)
  • File Ownership (chown, chgrp)
  • Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)
  • Adding text to file
  • Pipes ( | )
  • Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Sunday – Advance Linux 

  • File Maintenance Commands
  • File Display Commands
  • Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)
  • Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode)
  • Linux File Editors (vi text editor)
  • User account management
  • Switch users and Sudo access
  • System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)
  • Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)
  • OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)
  • System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)
  • Shell scripting
  • Basic Shell scripts
  • Aliases
  • Command history
  • Enabling Internet in Linux VM
  • Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)
  • System Updates and Repositories (rpm and yum)
  • System Run Levels
  • Quiz, Homework and Handouts

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